Thursday, June 11, 2009


You know what is so beautifully refreshing? When someone believes in you. More specifically, when someone reminds you of the evidence of Jesus you carry. Being a glimpse of Jesus. Exuding the Spirit. Aaah, I love it. It's my ultimate hope and goal: to give people I come in contact with in life a glimpse of Jesus, hoping that leads to more. It's wonderful and gives my stomach a flutter when someone affirms that just that can be seen in me. Love it!

I also love getting letters in the mail. Like, handwritten letters. Or invitations to something. With a handwritten address on the envelope. I don't especially like printed out letters. I LOVE getting mail where I can see someone's handwriting, even if it's chicken scratch. It's from the heart, which is what counts in my book. Lately I've received a handful of letters just like that and it seriously brings me more joy than I should probably get from receiving a letter. Just the idea that someone is thinking of me and took the time to write to me, gives me the warm fuzzies. Maybe it's pathetic, but I refuse to see it as that. 

I've been feeling pretty. . . light lately. I like the word "light", because I've felt this weight and burden that I've forced myself to carry throughout most of the year and I'm learning what to pick up and what to refuse to carry. It's great. I'm still re-learning a lot of things, and sometimes I get really irritated with my pace, but at the same time. . . I'm moving. And that's what matters. yay, God! :) (that sounds like such an elementary-schooler statement, and I'm not even going to take it back).